Friday, February 22, 2013

It may not be Oprah's, but it was my book club.

So while on Utrik, there were many things to do.  My social calendar was so full, I was so constantly busy and holy cow, I just couldn't keep up.  (okay, I'm kidding.)  I had a lot of free time on my hands.  And somethings to keep me busy - watch Filippino soap operas (Luisa and Carding!!!), write epicly long letters to my friends.  (Fun side note story, the one time the plane was broken and I started writing a letter to my friend Holly (thinking the plane was coming later that week, but alas it did not come).  Well, what was originally going to be a 6 page (front and back) letter turned into a 30 page journal saga novel, and I honestly spent 6 pages talking about open faced sandwiches.  Poor Holly...)  And besides writing letters, I read - ALOT!

I was actually surprised the amount books I was able to read in such a short span - way too many.  I feel like I filled my quota for life.  But I like the over time work because I love reading.  (In fact, one of my main goals in life is to read all 7 Harry Potter books in 24 hours)  And it got to the point on island where I was reading anything I could get my hands on.  Thankfully my parents love me, and would send packages filled with books!!!  And Utrik's past WorldTeach volunteers left many many many good (and not so good) books for me to go through.  And let's just say I had a great variety and selection to pick from.
One book that got me thinking about life was The Animal Dialogues by Craig Childs.  It was all about his different encounter with animals (as well as some information about each animal - and the information was information one would not normally find or know.  For example, mountain lions' mouth and teeth formation is perfect for biting at the base of your head. The teeth are perfect for driving into the nerves and essentially ending your life with one bite.  Or that crows are incredibly smart.  Or that mosquitos have a sci-fi tech system.  They can identify if you are male or female, spot you across a football, and can identify where you are the sweatiest.  Its rather remarkable).  But after reading this book, it dawned on me that I don't have enough experience in the wilderness.  I need to get some.  And I don't have enough experience living in a ti-pee.  But it was a very good book.
Another book that I liked (in the lieu of many many many many I had read) was Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life by Jon Lee Anderson.  Okay, I feel that I need to warn you first.  The book is broken up into 3 parts (and this book is incredibly long and in the middle of Part 1, I had to stop - where I read 3 crime mofia books but part 1 (for me) took a while to get through.)  The 1st part focuses on Che's beginnings and his life in Argentina.  The 2nd and 3rd parts focus on overtaking Cuba and life in Cuba, and his political and physical adventures in Africa and Bolivia.  This book made me get a different outlook on how I viewed the United States, and my opinions on Cuba.  It was well worth the read.  And now whenever I see someone wearing a Che shirt, I always stop and think - do you really know what he represents? Do you really know?

And on a funnier note, my host family had some books - mainly books explaining the different stories from the Bible, and they had a Mormon bible.  I tried to read it, and put it down after 1 page.  Yeah, no thanks.
But there was this one book -
 And honest to goodness - one of the questions inside was...

Yeah, so in the words of Mean Girls - you have your cousins, and then you have your first cousins...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Let's go to the movies!!!

Well, if Utrik had a movie theatre, then I would honestly have gone like every weekend, even if they were playing the same movie (and if that were the case, then I would have memorized it and performed the best one woman show around and it would have been Oscar worthy, just saying).  But alas, Utrik did not have a movie theatre (Majuro did, but it was closed/shut down the whole time, so I don't know if that counts or not...)  But I did get to watch movies, and there was a huge variety to choose from - horror (some medicine gets out and turns people into semi zombies, and they are used as military weapons until gone wrong), comedy... (continued below the picture.)
And that is how we do it!!  (Side -note, they are watching Barbie and the Mermaid, and ALL of them are drawn into the movie's well written plot line, amazing special effects, and that super catchy surfing song...)  What a great quality movie.  I didn't waste my time at all.  Its not like I'm wishing for that 1 hour back...

children's (in which, I would highly recommend Hotel for Dogs - super cute and all my little brothers and sisters loved it, and they loved Max Keeble's Big Move and the evil ice cream man), military (Jessica Simpson's horrible military movie and actually played a huge part in making me consider the National Guard, Inglorious Bastards (okay, I confess, I brought this one!!) and some Matt Damon one) and my personal favorite - FILIPPINO SOAP OPERAS!!!!

Holy cow, those movies (and when I mean movie, I mean like 20 dvds consists of 1 movie - so it was more like a television series) had some great plot lines, great acting, great special effects (holy cow, that house on fire looked absolutely real!  Did you see that?  That looks like real, legit fire!)...

And they were freaking awesome!!!  There were whole days where I would just sit there and stare at the tiny 6 inch screen and watch disk after disk after disk of soap opera.  And for some odd reason, I would always feel like I accomplished something that day.  My favorite was Luisa and Carding (okay the real title was Gulong ng Palad) and after I watched this one, all of the characters in my classroom (for example if I was teaching body parts or acting out a concept), their names would become Luisa and Carding.

This show was simply amazing!!  Okay, so Luisa comes from a dirty poor family, and Carding is super rich.  Well, Carding and Luisa are friends when they are little (Luisa's mom is a maid and works for Carding's family), but then Carding's family moves to America because his father suddenly dies from a heart attack.  Well several years pass and now both are teenagers.  And guess who comes back into town... CARDING!  Well, he falls in love with Luisa and same with her.  Haha, well both families don't like this... and lets just say that many many many people try to tear them apart.  And include babies, illegal kidney donations, and very gorgeous people - bad things will happen.  It was great for me to watch!!  And now I am officially addicted to Filippino soap operas, and it is a good addiction.  I hope it never stops...  No 12 step program needed.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hockey withdrawal - it was H-E-double hockey sticks

Now I know that I'm not Canadian (although people from Pittsburgh swear that I sound Canadian), but I love ice hockey.  It developed on later in life.  Okay, I should rephrase.  I'm not that old.  Why, I'm only 24.  So I should say it developed later in my young adult/teenager life.  Now some background, I'm from Erie, Pennsylvania.  Erie happens to have their own hockey team - The Erie Otters (you otter be there).  The Erie Otters are a part of the OHL (or the Ontario Hockey League - basically high schoolers play each other in a professional league.  (other fun random side note, when I was growing up, I had NO idea that the league was Canadian.  I knew the other teams were from Canada and I always thought that it was very nice of the Otters to play the Canadian national anthem.  And then in college I realized that they would always play the Canadian national anthem because it was the ONTARIO Hockey League.  Mind blown!  And discovering that when the London Knights would play the Erie Otters, they were not actually from England.  MIND BLOWN AGAIN!!))

So this one time in college, my friends and I (all back from our universities for the holiday/semester break) decide to attend one of Erie's attractions - An Otter game.  And this was the first game many of us had attended since elementary school when they would have game nights.  You could buy discount tickets and sit with your school.  While Grandview Elementary School never did manage to get a yellow and green out, it was still fun to sit and watch the hockey game, and more importantly to see what your other 2nd grade classmates' families looked like.  So anyway, my friends went to a game and  MIND BLOWN THRICE!!!

I knew what I was missing in my life.  It was like a missing piece just fell into place.  How could I have not noticed this beautiful sport before?!  IT WAS AMAZING!!  The action, the pace, the way the game was played, the amount of physical endurance needed, the skill - it was all there and it was incredible.  And at that point, I became slightly obsessed.  And then I went back to college, with a new love for ice hockey and a new love for the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Okay, so fast forward to Utrik and island life.  There was no ice hockey on Utrik.  Geez, there was no ice.  (Okay, some houses had ice boxes where you could fish, coconuts, chicken, beef/steak, and ice cream!)  And it was hard to explain what ice hockey was because both ice and hockey didn't really exist on island.  So I asked my parents to send me any information in any media form that had to deal with hockey and the Pittsburgh Penguins.

And they did.... sort of.  I guess I should have been more specific.  I should have said to send recordings of games (any teams would have been fine at that point) and information about the Pittsburgh Penguins as a whole team.  The things I got in the boxes where articles about Sidney Crosby's brain (he just had a concussion the year before and his brain rattle incident was still top news) and how he was adjusting or not adjusting to stuff, Slap Shot 3, and the Pittsburgh Penguins Stanley Cup 2009 DVD movie thing.

What a great ZEN movie!!!

So I guess you could say that my hockey withdrawal process was getting better.  I had some hockey exposure to get over the fact that before, I had nothing.  The one thing that I absolutely hated was the Stanley Cup DVD of the Penguins winning.  THERE WERE NO GAMES ON IT!!  It was just a bunch of interviews about their season and how the playoffs were - "Game 5 was the game that like never happened.  No one was feeling jittery and there was a feeling of calmness.  And then we hit the ice and I don't know what happened.  It was like the game that never happened.  And afterwards, Mario came to our locker room and said just told us to shake it off."  (Now, I have to admit, its pretty sad when I can almost quote this.  It just shows how much I liked yet hated it).  Now I hasn't a fan of the interviews, and to be honest, Sidney's voice slightly gets on my nerves - eh.  But it was something that dealt with the Pittsburgh Penguins, so I was okay with it.  I did however love the microphone set up with Billy Guerin.  That was cool.

And the articles my parents sent me, they always dealt with Sidney Crosby's brain and how it rattled.  Okay, I know that a concussion is a very serious injury and not taking the correct steps in healing and recovery can result in some very serious problems.  I get that, and I award him for waiting for his comeback and waiting for his brain to get better.  But my issue was about the team.  The team still played, even if Sid did not.  The team was winning or losing game, but I never heard any of it.  Thats because I kept getting articles about the concussed captain.  I'm sorry, but there are many other extremely talented and athletic players on that team, so why is the focus just on one guy?  If I was on that team, that was get under my skin so much.  And that is what irks me as a fan.  

But at the same time, I was reading about hockey.  So it was all good.  I feel that I went through a 12 step recovery program to get over my addiction and came out a stronger, interested but not super crazy fan of hockey and the Pittsburgh Penguins.  And I guess it was a good thing that this happened because now the players and owners where at a stand off, so there was no hockey.  I guess the world (okay, probably just Canada) had the wonderful opportunity to experience what I experienced - hockey withdrawal.  And just to let you know, there is no pill to fix it.