Saturday, September 1, 2012

My boyfriend aka the dude I watched movies with

So I am afraid to say that I had a Marshallese boyfriend on island.  Yep.  But it wasn't the typical "boyfriend".  The only thing we ever did was watch movies together.  Yep.  So exciting, really, I can't contain it anymore.  Well, I actually regret the whole situation.  It ended pretty grim and full of guilt.  But before I get to the end, I probably should start at the beginning.

It all started when I was helping to make dinner for the Christmas dancing practice.  I was at a neighbor's house, flipping pancakes I believe (or maybe I was mashing pandanus, not quite sure), and just minding my own business.  Carbit (see right) or the dude who I would soon be watching movies with, came to the house and started to scrap out a coconut.  Well, I thought he was kind of cute.  And that's where the trouble all started.

So the next day, I tell my mama that the guy who came over for the coconut scraping was cute.  I asked her what his name was, and if he was married.  At the time he was single.  Well, that was the last time I am going to tell any parent that I think a dude is cute.  Okay, so flash forward until after mid-service and I come back to Utrik.  And next thing I know, Carbit is over ALL the time.  And now the new rumor is that he is my boyfriend.  Yeah, I'm not quite sure when this happened, but next thing you know, random dudes keep coming to my house and asking where he is.  And now everyone thinks that we are having mad passionate love banging sessions out in the jungle.  Oh coconuts (include a knee slap)- that's not happening.

So up until this point, I was under the impression that Carbit did not speak English.  Haha, I was wrong.  The one night the entire family was making muk-a-muk (our island ran out of food - no joke- and look forward to this topic in a future post) and Carbit and some of his friends were over helping.  Well, we were done for the night and just playing with the left over gunk. I was going through winter withdrawal and made a snowman.  Carbit, on the other hand, made me a penis.  He also told me IN PERFECT ENGLISH  that I should hold on to it and I could cherish it forever.  Yep.  He made me a penis.  And that was how I found out he could speak English.  I was actually in a more of a state of shock that he spoke English than what he actually made me.

Alright, so things go pretty smoothly.  We watch movies.  And more movies.  And more movies.  That was honestly the only form of entertainment on island.  And with Mama, we would go on these late night walks to get movies from other houses.  I hated these walks - because I was either reading, or writing a letter, or watching another movie.  These walks become very important later on this in post.

Well, the food ship comes (YAY!!!!) and now Mama and Brenita (she was pregnant and because she was young (like 15 years old) Mama wanted her to have the baby in Majuro) leave to go to Majuro and Baba comes back.  So at one point, I was living with just Mama and the kids, and now its just Baba and the kids.  Carbit keeps coming over to watch movies, and drink.  I didn't realize just how much of an alcoholic he was until we started talking.  Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I haven't spoken to him when he was sober... ever.  Okay, so things are still smooth.

Well well well, the rumors start flying not that Mama is gone.  So apparently Carbit was having sex with Mama (not true, at least I don't think its true), and Carbit was escorting Mama to different other guys to have sex with them (not true, or at least I don't think it was true) - and this is where the late night walks come into play.  Yeah, Baba just keeps asking me if this is true, and of course its not.  And Baba keeps telling me that everyone on island is talking Mama and Carbit.  (And another rumor is that Mama and Carbit were having passionate love banging sessions in my room.  HAHA  Yeah, the only thing happening in my room was me sleeping.  No one was getting any action - whatsoever.)

And now Baba can't handle the rumors anymore, and decides to take matters into his own hands, and a hammer.  Baba beats Carbit up with a hammer.  A FREAKING HAMMER!  Yep - its sounds too stupid to make up and sounds too stupid to be real.  So that is how Carbit and I stopped watching movies together.  And then Baba turned into a drunk.  Yeah, so from then on, I got to watch movies by myself.  Sigh, oh well...

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